



Tubal Blockage with Hydrosalpinx

Tubal Blockage with Hydrosalpinx

Mrs. Huang      32 years old       2008/7       Zhang Jia Jie, Hu Nan Province

She had a ovarian dropsy in left fallopian tube and hydrops in right tube. She cuoldn't get pregnant for 2 years. She took a laparoscopyin in the end of 2007 to excise the cyst and clean out the hydrops. Still no pregnancy for the last 6 months. She took a salpingography in June, 2008. Two months later, she started to take Fuyan Pill under my instruction. Her diease had been cured after taking the pills for 20 days and tested normal .And she got pregnant in 9th, September.


Mrs. Huang took the surgery under the condition that inflammation in the tube was not controled. Even the surgery was successful but for the reason that she needed 3 months contraception, she couldn't get pregnant in 3 months. Salpingography after 6 months indicated that there was no development in the left tube and hydrops in the right tube. It might be fallopian tube hydrops because the inflammation. She accepted my medication at last and been cured very soon, then she got pregnant.

article source: http://global.fuyanpills.com/Testimonials/2010/1202/23.html


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Endometrium Thicken Disease

Endometrium Thicken Disease

Miss. Lee  19 years old     2009/8   Student

She had got a permenant menstrual period. Menstrual blood keep bleeding and the volume is large in the week that suppose to be menstrual period and volume reduce in other days. She had been suffer from it for almost 6 years. It means that for the first time she have had menstruation, it never ends. She has taken many treatment with western medicines, and the menstruation seems to be normal for a period of time, but it recur again and again. She also have take western and Chinese medicine together to treat it, but the result is as above. Then she had a permanant menstrual period for about 2 years. She was diagnosed with a endometrium thicken disease with the thickness of 2.9cm. Once she got to my clinic and took Fuyan Pill under my instruction for a months, the period of menstruation become 20days, and the thickness of the endometrium reduced to 2.7cm. In the 2nd month, her menstrual period is 10 days. And it is 8 days in the 3rd month, 7 days in the 4th month and 5 days in the 5th month with a normal volume. The thickness of the endometrium is 1.3cm. She require to keep on treatment for another 3 months to consolidate.

article source: http://global.fuyanpills.com/Testimonials/2010/1202/25.html

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The best Healthy Weight Loss Diet Plan

Choosing the right and healthy weight loss diet plan not require some research on how effective the weight loss plan is in helping you attain your weight loss goal in good time but also whether the plan is one that leads to long term weight loss. healthy weight loss diet plan should be the aim of many dieters but not many know how to know a healthy weight loss diet plan. This article will help you determine which weight loss plan is a healthy weight loss diet plan and which is not.

The best and healthy weight loss diet plan should be those that will change you the way you think about foods, it should be one that helps you make healthy choices that will leading to losing weight. Any one trying or thinking of losing weight should look the way of any weight loss plan that deals with reeducation, balanced diet and healthy weight loss exercise. Any plan that deals with such factors as mentioned above would not only help you to lose weight but also help you keep it off and stay healthy, which means you can lose weight and still be making the right choices.

In my observation, weight loss pills that help you lose weight are safe only if they are 100% natural. Use products that are made from plant extracts. Such products do not have any side effects. Even if they exhibit mild reactions like a rash or an itch, you can be sure that they will not produce any long-lasting side effects.

Always select a weight loss diet pill that has undergone some amount of testing. Products that have been approved by the FDA are generally considered safe. To be sure, visit the website of the concerned weight-loss pill and look for client testimonials. This is one surefire method of ensuring the effectiveness and the safety of certain weight loss pills.

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When you are desperate to lose weight, diet pills are indeed a highly tempting proposition, more so if you have already tried and tested the conventional methods of losing weight without too much success. According to a recent report, Americans are spending more than $50 billion on weight loss products. This figure is expected to shoot up in the coming years. There is nothing surprising in that. For desperate weight watchers, the attraction of miracle weight loss pills with their astounding weight loss claims is too hard to pass up. But before you go out and empty your purse on the next batch of weight loss pills to hit the stores, make sure that the pills you have selected deliver what they promise and are safe for consumption.

But for many a desire to lose weight or maintain weight loss doesn't necessarily dictate success. Weight loss and weight maintenance are tough work and successful strategies vary based on how much weight a person needs to lose. Some people can succeed with diet and exercise alone, others need more invasive interventions like surgery. And even for those who are lucky enough to realize their desired weight, maintenance, although more straight-forward, can be even more difficult than the initial weight loss.

Weight loss: diet and exercise

The status of a person's weight is best determined by their Body Mass Index (BMI). BMI is a calculation derived from dividing a person's weight in kilograms by their height in meters squared. For the calculation-averse, a BMI calculator is available on the National Institutes of Health website.

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We live in a society where being thin is ideal. Images of rail-thin supermodels and waif-like movie stars adorn every billboard and television screen. We idolize people who are the thinnest of the thin-the thinnest five to ten percent of our population. It's ironic that we're also a nation of "super-sized" portions. The average portion size at a U.S. restaurant is more than 25% larger than our European counterparts.

Unfortunately, 64% of the American public is overweight and 33% of Americans are obese. Weight loss and maintenance are cornerstones of good health and happy living. Obesity is associated with type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke, cancer, obstructive sleep apnea, depressed mood, and more. For most, weight loss and weight management should be realities of life.

Exercise and diet go hand in hand with a successful weight loss plan. Exercise should be enjoyable, otherwise you won't continue. If you feel you don't have time for anything, try jumping rope, or incorporate your exercise into something else you do, for example, if you work or live in a high rise building, take the stairs up and down. Exercising does you no good if you just go out and eat more when you are finished. Dieting is the first key to any truly successful weight loss, especially when you want to make sure that you not only get those pounds off, but that you keep them off, too.

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